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Chase Bank Cryptocurrency Policy

**Chase UK Bans Crypto Payments to Combat Fraud** In a surprising move, Chase UK has announced a blanket block on all crypto-related payments due to concerns about fraud and security. The bank will decline customer attempts to make payments related to cryptocurrencies from October 16th onwards. This decision is unexpected as Chase UK is a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase, one of the largest banks in the US. In recent years, JPMorgan has shown a more positive stance towards cryptocurrencies, including offering crypto custody services to its institutional clients. However, Chase UK claims that it has observed an increase in fraud and scams related to cryptocurrencies. The bank's decision is aimed at protecting its customers from these threats. The ban will affect both debit card payments and outgoing bank transfers to crypto platforms. Chase emphasizes that it will only block outgoing crypto payments and will not interfere with customers receiving crypto payments. The decision has drawn mixed reactions from the crypto community. Some express concerns that it could stifle innovation and adoption of cryptocurrencies. Others support the move, arguing that it is necessary to address the security risks associated with crypto transactions. Customers who wish to make crypto payments can consider using other payment methods, such as crypto exchanges or third-party services. It remains to be seen how Chase UK's ban will impact the crypto industry and whether other banks will follow suit.
